Missouri mom’s video goes viral after she brings 1‑year-old son to job interview – WSOC TV

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ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. — Mylo is already a hit in the work­force.

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A Tik­Tok video of a Mis­souri woman bring­ing her 1‑year-old son to a job inter­view is not only adorable, but also the real­i­ties of find­ing prop­er child care for work­ing par­ents.

Mylo Mund­willer joined his moth­er, Mag­gie Mund­willer, 38, of St. Louis Coun­ty, at a job inter­view on 22, KMOV report­ed. Mag­gie Mund­willer doc­u­ment­ed the whole process sev­er­al videos on Tik­Tok, with Mylo dressed in a suit and resume in hand.

“I knew peo­ple would relate to it; I just did­n’t quite know how many,” Mag­gie Mund­willer told KMOV. “Now I think we’re prob­a­bly (at) almost to 8 mil­lion views, which is insane and awe­some.”

Six weeks after Mylo was born, Mund­willer said she was laid off from her job, the tele­vi­sion sta­tion report­ed. Find­ing a job was dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, and although her hus­band worked, Mund­willer was find­ing it dif­fi­cult to employ­ment.

When she was invit­ed to the June 22 inter­view, Mund­willer that she would to can­cel because she had no one to care for Mylo.

“I was just hon­est and let them know that I was­n’t able to have child­care, so I may need to sched­ule it for anoth­er time,” she told KMOV. “So, imme­di­ate­ly their response was, we’re child friend­ly. So, I just let them know, OK, we’ll be there in a few hours and Mylo will be inter­view ready.”

The fir­m’s invi­ta­tion thrilled the fam­i­ly.

“I was so excit­ed and inspired,” Mund­willer told “Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca.” “How cool is that — that a com­pa­ny would be so wel­com­ing? It’s awe­some to know that there are com­pa­nies out there that are will­ing to work with par­ents and under­stand the strug­gles that par­ents are going through and just accom­mo­date.”

In a series of Tik­Tok videos, Mund­willer and Mylo are shown get­ting ready for the inter­view. Mylo gets his hair brushed, puts on a for­mal suit and wash­es the wheels of his stiller. He even had an updat­ed copy of his resume, “Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca” report­ed.

His qual­i­fi­ca­tions? He can destroy a clean space in 30 sec­onds or less and can spot a dog from a mile away. Mylo lists two ref­er­ences — his par­ents.

“Hope­ful­ly make a good impres­sion and make light out of a sit­u­a­tion that’s a bit dif­fer­ent than what we’re used to,” Mag­gie Mud­willer told KMOV.

Accord­ing to a Jan­u­ary 2021 Pew Research study, about half of employed par­ents with chil­dren under 12 said child­care respon­si­bil­i­ties have been dif­fi­cult to han­dle dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Work­ing women were also more like­ly than men to reduce their hours and not believe they were giv­ing 100% on the job, accord­ing to the study.

Mund­willer says video sheds light on the strug­gles par­ents face.

“It feels excit­ing, it feels scary. It feels won­der­ful to be able to peo­ple a voice,” Mund­willer told KMOV. “Hope­ful­ly employ­ers all over will start lis­ten­ing to this con­ver­sa­tion and read the com­ments.”

More than 2 mil­lion women have left the work­force since the pan­dem­ic began, accord­ing to the Nation­al Wom­en’s Law Cen­ter.

Mund­willer said she was offered the job and plans to post Tik Tok updates about it, the tele­vi­sion sta­tion report­ed.

“You can tell that there’s just so many peo­ple that relate and there has­n’t been a voice for them, and so I feel like final­ly there’s a voice for peo­ple who are strug­gling in the same way that I have been,” Mund­willer told KMOV.

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