Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert can’t stop giggling reenacting an old vomity sketch

By Shan­non Con­nel­lan

Steve Carell and Stephen Col­bert go way back.

Both alum­ni of Chica­go com­e­dy icon City, the pair land­ed jobs at The based on one bril­liant sketch cre­at­ed for The Dana Car­vey Show

Col­bert came up with “Wait­ers who are nau­se­at­ed by ,” based on his hun­gover days wait­ing tables, while Carell spun “Podi­a­trists who are nau­se­at­ed by feet,” with­out either of them know­ing about the oth­er’s bit. And it got them both .

On The Show Thurs­day, the com­e­dy stars took a down mem­o­ry lane to this defin­ing moment in their careers, and around 3:30 in the clip above, re-enact­ed the best ele­ments of the sketch.

is, they pre­tend­ed to vom­it a bunch.

“Do you still enjoy the fake vom­it?” asks Col­bert.

“I was just start­ing to taste it a bit,” says Carell.

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