The Life And Music Of Janis Joplin; Kathryn Hahn : NPR

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Biog­ra­ph­er Hol­ly George-War­ren describes rock star Janis Joplin (shown here in 1969) as an intro­spec­tive per­son who did­n’t always like her own thoughts.

Evening Standard/Getty Images

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Evening Standard/Getty Images

Biog­ra­ph­er Hol­ly George-War­ren describes rock star Janis Joplin (shown here in 1969) as an intro­spec­tive per­son who did­n’t always like her own thoughts.

Evening Standard/Getty Images

Fresh Air high­lights some of the best inter­views and reviews from past weeks, and new pro­gram ele­ments spe­cial­ly paced for week­ends. Our week­end empha­sizes inter­views writ­ers, film­mak­ers, actors and musi­cians, and often includes excerpts from in-stu­dio con­certs. This :

New Janis Joplin Biog­ra­phy Reveals The Hard Work Behind The Heart: Onstage, Joplin oozed con­fi­dence, sex­u­al­i­ty and exu­ber­ance, but biog­ra­ph­er Hol­ly George-War­ren describes the singer as a book­worm who worked hard to cre­ate her “blues feel­in’ mama” musi­cal per­sona.

‘The Light­house’: A Brash­ly Thriller, Soaked In Rain, Rum And Testos­terone: Willem Dafoe and Robert Pat­tin­son play 19th-cen­tu­ry sea­men sta­tioned at a remote light­house. in and white, it’s an exquis­ite­ly old-fash­ioned study of souls in iso­la­tion.

Actor Kathryn Says The Best Part Of Her Career Came Post-Kids: Hahn says the “com­pli­cat­ed and messy roles” she craved came lat­er in her career. In HBO’s Mrs. Fletch­er, she plays a divorced woman expe­ri­enc­ing a sex­u­al reawak­en­ing after her son leaves for .

You can lis­ten to the orig­i­nal inter­views and review here:

New Janis Joplin Biog­ra­phy Reveals The Hard Work Behind The Heart

‘The Light­house’: A Brash­ly Fun­ny Thriller, Soaked In Rain, Rum And Testos­terone

Actor Kathryn Hahn Says The Best Part Of Her Career Came Post-Kids

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